Bethany Middle School
2001 Schedule
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March 20 Jones Won
March 26 Crescent Away 4:00 A&B
March 27 Jones Away 4:30 A&B
March 29 Crescent Home 4:00 A&B

April 2 Heritage Hall Home 4:00 A&B
April 3 Bridgecreek Home 4:00 A&B
April 6 Little Axe Home 4:00 A&B
April 10 Casady Away 4:00 A&B
April 12 Heritage Hall Away 4:00 A&B
April 16 Bridgecreek Away 4:00 A&B
April 17 Casady Home 4:00 A&B
April 19-21 Bridgecreek Tournament Away TBA

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